V Hari Kumar
Hair Transplant & Aesthetic Surgeon, India
Title: FUE -Hair Transplantation VS Combo Method
Biography: V Hari Kumar
Hair restoration by Transplantation is the permanent, relatively safest solution for the baldness. Follicular Unit Extraction FUE,, being a scar less procedure is widely accepted and routinely done HT surgery by us. Easy recoveries, negligible pain, early resume to normal work are the noticeable benefits. Scar of FUT-strip method, presence of limited donor area due to final grades of baldness and previous surgery scars.. And also, in clients with tight scalp, keloid propensity, feasibility of hair from non-scalp hair bearing body areas are better suited for this procedure. Athletes, Clients of Medical tourism, who are with fear of pain & surgery, in case of OT assistant’s scarcity it works well.. Early stages of baldness requiring up to 1500 grafts are better candidates. High cost, need of high skilled surgeon, larger area of baldness requiring grafts more than 1500 are the limiting factors. BHT-Body Hair Transplantation where body and beard hair can be utilized for the crown and hair line design. Rest of the mid section and frontal forelock can be done with the permanent hair which is available from Hormone resistant existing safe donor area on the back of the head as a Day care Procedure. Combination of FUE & FUT Net yield will be more, extraction and surgeon’s time can be minimized, tension on the scar will be less and double &triple FU extraction can be done under vision. Number of sessions can be reduced and Trichophytic closure after strip favors the growth of hair on the scar line.