Chief of Department Plastic Reconstrucive Surgery, Cosmetology and Regenerative Medicine of Rostov State Medical University, the Chairman of the Southern society of plastic reconstructive aestetic surgeons and cosmetologists (SSPRASC), a member of the Board of the Russian society of plastic reconstructive surgeons (SPRAS) , member of the ASSECE, honorary member of the SIDE, member of EAFPS, a member of the editorial Board of the journal "Aesthetic medicine".
Speaker on Sicily Regional Congress "Advances in Aesthetical Surgery in the Meditarraneo", June 13/14 th 2009 Catania, Italy
The Chairman of the organizing Committee of the 1st Congress of the SSPRASC on September 27-29, 2009, Rostov-on-don, Russia
Speaker at the Fourth Sicily Regional Congress in Aesthetical Surgery, June 12/13 th 2010 , Catania, Italy
The Chairman of the organizing Committee of the 2nd Congress of the SSPRASC, on October 18-19, 2010, Rostov-on-don, Russia
Speaker at the Congress "Midface", 27-29 January 2011, Milan, Italy
Chairman of the organizing Committee of the Congress of "Plastic and reconstructive surgery of the mammary gland", 17-18 September , 2011, Rostov-on-don, Russia
Speaker on Allergan Expert Forum 14-16 October 2011, Heidelberg, Germany
Party Train the Trainer meeting, 12-14 November, 2011, Frankfurt, Germany
Speaker on 11 SAM - Symposium , the professional forum ' the Art of plastic surgery ' 25-27 January 2013, Moscow, Russia
Speaker on the satellite company Ðllergan "Augmentation mammoplasty" , January 27, 2012, Moscow , Russia
Speaker on the Train the Trainer meeting (Allergan) 3-5 March 2012, Heidelberg, Germany
The Chairman of the organizing Committee of the conference
"Modern cosmetology", 25-27 April 2012, Gelendzhik, Russia
A speaker at the "Academy of Allergan", 9 July 2012, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Chairman of the organizing Committee the Congress "Innovations in plastic reconstructive surgery" 11-13 November 2012, Rostov-on-don, Russia
The organizer of the workshop together with the company Ðllergan "Complex cases in augmentation mammaplasty" , November 13, 2012, Rostov-on-don, Russia
Speaker on 12 SAM - Symposium , the professional forum ' the Art of plastic surgery ' 23-25, January 2013, Moscow, Russia
The organizer and lecturer of workshop " Fillers, botulotoxin, threads. Anatomical view". 6-8, August 2013, Berlin, Germany
The organizer and lecturer of workshop " Anatomy of the face volumes". 12-14 September 2013, Paris, France
The lecturer of cadaver course " Modern threadlift" 17-19, December 2013, Florence, Italy
Speaker on 13 SAM - Symposium , the professional forum "The Art of plastic surgery" 22-23, January 2013, Moscow, Russia
Speaker on 10 Europen Congress of Aesthetic Medicine U.I.M.E., 27, February - 1, March, 2014 Moscow, Russia
Speaker on The 5th Anniversary International Symposium on Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology of Georgia, 15- 18, May, 2014 Moscow, Russia
Speaker on The 8th International Congress on Plastic Reconstractive Aestetic Surgery and Cosmetology 4-6 , July, 2014 Batumi, Georgia
Speaker on The 16th International Congress on Aestetic Medicine 9-11 , October , 2014 , Milan Italy
Speaker on AMPIC 2014, 21-22 , November , 2014 , Florence, Italy
Speaker on XIV International Congress on aesthetic medicine, 26-28 February, 2015, Moscow, Russia
Organizer practical anatomical course “From Anatomy to practice. The Anatomologic approachâ€
25-27 April, 2015 Malta
Co-author of " Anatomie du visage et du cou en chirurgie et cosmetologie", Elsevier Masson, 2015