Elayne Arterbery
Ascension Health- Saginaw Michigan, USA
Title: Chemoprevention of skin cancer and cosmetic skin care
Biography: Elayne Arterbery
Although sun safety and sunscreen had been promoted since the 1940s, studies have shown insufficient implementation by end users thus decreasing overall and efficacy of the benefit of these products. Dermatologists had been faced with an increasing incidence of skin cancer in the large cohort of high-risk patients with irreversible histories of significant sun damage. Skin cancer in the US is more common than other all other cancers combined. Over 100,000 new cases of melanoma and one million new cases of non-melanoma skin cancers are expected to occur per years. Both types are associated with significant morbidity and high healthcare cost. Chemoprevention is a pharmacological invention that prevents, arrests and reverses carcinogenesis. Primary chemoprevention decreases the risk of malignant cancers and it’s important for high-risk patients. There is an increase interest in skin care products that actually can naturally provide decreased risk of skin cancer or assist in the reversal of the UVA damage. In this talk, we will discuss oral and natural retinoids, statins, fern extracts, botanicals, green tea, resveratrol and antioxidants, flavones and nutraceuticals that can be incorporated into anti-aging products to potentially increase the antimutagenic potential and offer a cosmetic benefit as well as a potential long-term benefit for reduction of skin cancer.